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2022-06-25 15:18:08 By : Ms. LINDA LI

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Have you noticed the beautiful whiskey barrel planters around town? I noticed them at the Fourth Street railroad crossing and on the corners of Fourth and Allegheny streets. They are a beautiful and welcoming addition to the entrance to town and show that someone really cares. Thank you to whomever is responsible for this lovely addition!

Penn Twp. — I have heard it said, “You go woke, you go broke!”

Penn Twp. — For millions of years, the weather has been an event on earth—whether humans have witnessed it or not. —American-Historysmith

Mount Union — Does anyone have a spare copy of the Republican plan to produce baby formula, slow inflation, end gun violence and ease gas prices? I’ve never seen one.

Alexandria — First of all, Petersburg, do some fact checking before you stick stuff in the paper. The National Guard to protect the White House? No, Trump wanted them there to protect his protestors and supporters. From what? Themselves. Really. Secondly, the two babies, Pelosi and McCarthy couldn’t work together if they tried to decide which Republican would be represented on the committee, only agreeing on the two who are there. When has this country been so divided as it is now, since Trump poisoned all of your minds through his lies and deceptions. He has ruined the Republican Party. We used to work things out. The parties used to work for the people. Now they work for themselves. Time to clean out both parties and start over with some intelligent people.

Miller Twp. — The big lie turns out to be the big scam. As last week’s opinion expressed, it turns out to be the big steal, but the damage is far more than just monetary, it’s at the soul of America. Here’s what Ann Coulter, a conservative firebrand, had to say about that: “Every time you think you have your arms around Trump’s con, you realize that it’s unfathomably more cynical and far reaching then you could have imagined. Is there anyone in Trump world who isn’t trying to fleece the deplorables?”

Mapleton — Upon exiting left, off of the Mapleton bridge, onto Oriskany Road, the weeds and brush need cut back so drivers can safely see to make their turn. I stop behind the stop sign and must continue several feet further to see past the weeds. Then I am in the path of drivers coming both ways onto the bridge. It would make a huge difference if this could be done.

Porter Twp. — I would like to thank Porter Township for fixing Paul’s Road and trimming weeds.

Orbisonia — Well SHC, do you see what Russet is doing with raising taxes? Don’t say you haven’t been warned. Our school board all but one will raise your taxes and not bat a eyeball. Easy for them to do that on their salaries. Speak up.

Huntingdon Co. — The well-being of mankind, its peace and security, are unattainable unless and until its unity is firmly established.

Cromwell Twp. — “We the people” will “take America back.” God bless America and God bless Trump for working so hard to save America. “We the people” have the power to take America back. One thing to remember, there are 320 million Americans and 540 career politicians. Hold the line. It’s always darkest just before dawn. Our best days are ahead of us.

Huntingdon Co. — I hope the liberals are enjoying the high prices at the pump, and the grocery store and just about everywhere else. You liberals wanted this recession so badly, now suffer like the rest of us are doing. It takes an idiot to throw away a Trump recovering economy that we were starting to have. Now Biden spitefully destroyed everything with a stroke of a pen within his first day in the White House. Hate gets you nowhere. This proves even more that liberals have no clue what they are doing. They recklessly throw money at problems without considering the effects on the economy. They take away our oil independence. Finally, they turn a blind eye to America. If we ever need to defend our country from the enemy we can just ship all liberals over to that country. The liberals would have that country destroyed in no time flat.

Huntingdon Co. — The massive killings taking place in our country have nothing to do with the gun itself. We’ve had guns in this country for over 200 years. The problem is not the gun. It’s removing God out of society, parents divorcing, sinful influences around kids, not going to church, no learning of the Bible or family devotions, no family time, violent video games and movies around children, no teaching right from wrong or respect and manners, careless leadership within the family. All these things start within the home, not the government. As a parent, it’s very important that those things are implemented within the family. If you’re not going to take the time to lead and teach these values to your children, then don’t have kids. These teachings can be found in the Bible and within your local church. Today is the day to focus on family, not tomorrow.

Saxton — Of all we have heard at the hearings of the House Select Committee to investigate the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, Judge J. Michael Luttig’s testimony Thursday stands out. Luttig is a giant in Republican legal circles, who worked in the Reagan administration, was appointed by President George H.W. Bush to a federal judgeship and was on the short-list for a Supreme Court seat during President George W. Bush’s term. Luttig’s words carry weight among Republican lawmakers. On Thursday, Judge Luttig stated, “The former president and his party are today a clear and present danger for American democracy; not just former president Donald Trump and his enablers, but the entire Republican Party of today, the party that embraces the Big Lie that Trump won the 2020 election, the party that continues to plan to overturn any election in which voters choose a Democrat.

Mapleton — Democrats are still trying to falsely convict Donald Trump of something, despite he had constitutional authority to do everything he did. Why? They want Trump convicted to cover their feckless decisions and evil deeds, and their lying and cheating. As per some very close security personnel with 35 or more service-years, no president ever worked half as hard for us as Trump did. Biden never has, but Trump actually kept working late into the evening to better our lives. What was Trump’s reward for all his hard work and battles? Abandonment by “We the people.” We allowed democrat and RINO weasels to cheat an election, unconstitutionally change voting rules, allow counting of identically Xeroxed ballots, and to illegally impeach President Trump for working for us. We let them get away with cheating, so Democrats are still cheating, lying and trying to destroy Trump and us.

Huntingdon Co. — Not Democrats, not Republicans.

Huntingdon — Rather than locking criminals up in jail, I have another solution. Lock them in a room for 24 hours and make them listen to My Pillow, Balance of Nature and Relief Factor commercials. I guarantee they’d never commit another crime again.

Huntingdon — The two young people who killed Black people in Buffalo and very young children in Uvalde, Texas, were 18 years old. They bought heir assault weapons legally. Think of the 18-year-olds you know. Their brains are still maturing, their opinions forming. They’re so easily swayed by others. They cannot, at 18, buy alcohol, but can buy a weapon that will fire bullets into a young bodies that will not only break bones, but will explode in their young bodies and make their tiny selves unrecognizable. Responsible gun owners wan the legal age to purchase these weapons raised to 21. It is Republicans in government who say no to this and we need to make them accountable. Do not vote Republican in November.

Hutingdon — I watched the Jan. 6 hearings. It really made me sick. What was really sick was a rioter carrying a cross. Really? This is telling me there were Christians beating and spraying police officers, threatening to kill Pence and members of Congress. They broke window, smashed in doors, stole items form the Capitol, went to the bathroom in the Capitol that someone had to clean up. I’m sorry, but in my opinion, these are not Christians. They say Pence was lucky. No, he was not lucky. God watched over Pence and members of Congress or some of them would be dead. This would be murder. Wake up. Get these sick Republicans out of office. God is letting the Jan. 6 committee get the truth out. He’s trying to show you this was wrong. Listen to God before it’s too late. Christians love, not destroy.

Saltillo — I’m just calling, I don’t understand, I was given information that we were to go to the Southern Huntingdon County High School between 10 and noon for a food stop Saturday. Whoever was in charge of that has no respect for the elderly or the poor people in the area. They had us run in there, spending $5 and something a gallon for fuel to get there, to find out that five minutes after 10 a.m. it was over. They already gave the stuff away. The only people who could have known about it were the friends or relatives of the people giving it out, so whoever was in charge of that they should hang their head in shame. They didn’t really help anyone, all they did was hurt a lot of people who wasted their money trying to get there to get some of that.

Cassville — Let’s go Democrats, it’s about time you’uns start cutting the gas prices, the fuel taxes and all that, so you do.

Broad Top Twp. — Trump is the king of the cons. He’s scammed over $250 million from you Trumpies supposedly saying about stealing the election. Strangely, his son’s girlfriend got $60,000 for a two minute spiel out of that money. I guess she deserves it. Trump just wants to be like his buddy Putin, a dictator. Plain and simple.

Smithfield — What the Republican Party is telling you is what they will do if they win back the power — take away women’s personal rights, take away your voting rights, no more COVID mandates that save your life, everyone can have a gun regardless, no more registering of guns so you can shoot someone and never get caught, if they lose an election they can decide who wins, not the voters, take books out of school that tell our history, make teachers wear guns, they want to take away minority rights. There’s something wrong here. They’re supposed to be working for us. This includes Rich Irvin and our local government. We need these Republicans out of office or we’ll have no rights. They also want to take away Social Security, Medicare and affordable healthcare. They want to raise middle class taxes. We need to stand up and stop this.

Cass Twp. — Norfolk Southern needs to repair Mill Creek crossing before someone breaks an axle or tire. Everyone needs to slow way down when crossing, especially emergency vehicles.

Miller Twp. — Being a self-righteous Democrat who’s proud of the party from our deep roots in slavery to today, I say to Biden, stop lying. You con’t have to. You stated from the beginning shut down pipeline from Canada, stop drilling in Anwar, make it hard to refine oil, force people from oil to renewable energy. Biden, don’t try blaming Putin. It makes it sound like he’s running the country, not you. How does reason make the idea of trading our clean regulated oil and gas production for imported oil from socialist and dictator-run countries. Now for local politics, why aren’t sports gender neutral? One sport for all, not by gender.

Mount Union — So the street sweeper is broken. Let’s see, you don’t hire a borough manager, you save that money that way; you’re down an extra cop, there’s money that way; paying someone to mow the grass up at the cemetery, so why can’t you get the street sweeper running? Get some parts for it. Also, beyond Federal Drive that white SUV has been there almost two weeks now, no one around it. There’s also a black car that’s been there for two months. And what about all these cops driving around in their big ol’ SUVs, isn’t it about time to get some smaller vehicles?

Brady Twp. — Want to congratulate the Huntingdon Area High School for securing the safety of the teachers and students by locking the school doors and posting an armed guard on the outside of the school. This is so simple to to do and yet some schools in our nation fail to secure and lose scores of students and teachers like in Texas. If you criticize the Republicans for the sad shape our country is in, just look at the stupid policies of the Democrats.

Huntingdon — With all these shootings, they should show the graphics like they did in Vietnam and maybe the public will do something about all these automatic weapons.

Huntingdon I see we still have about 20 people still showing up for the Smithfield Township meeting to keep Rutter’s from coming. I hope they fail in their trying to do that. If it was put up to a vote, they would lose.

Henderson Twp. — Well, our president proved that maybe you shouldn’t let him near anything that he has to step on or off of. Bicycle, he took a good dive on, and we al know he can’t climb steps. Then again, he can’t handle running the country either. We see how well he’s done on the price of gas, the price of everything and tried to get us involved in a war that we have nothing to do about. Then again, for those of you who voted for him, hope you like what you got. November is coming. Hopefully we’ll get enough Republicans in office to make a difference because we have to stop Biden.

Three Springs — The Three Springs Senior Center would like to thank the people who dropped off the plants and other stuff on our porch. Also, we’d like to thank our new members for stepping up and volunteering for new offices and really becoming part of our little family. We can’t say thank you enough, especially to Yvonne Krebs ad Donna Mitchell. We really appreciate it so very much. We need more people like you who really care. We need someone also to volunteer to drive the CART so we can go on at least two or three trips a months and go shopping and to have lunch. If interested, call the Bricktown Senior Center and talk to Judy for details. Also, we’d like to thank Louie and Sara Spennati for bringing us in ice cream. Again, thank you all so very much. May God bless you all.

Huntingdon — I want to know if maybe Joe Biden ever worked on the Benny Hill Show, the way he’s able to ride a bicycle. Just asking.

Alexandria — I’d just like to thank the Alexandria Fire Co. for 4 a.m. Sunday. They really deserve the attention they get. Fortunately, it wasn’t real bad, but they came out to help us. We really appreciate it. I used to feel about the taxes being taken out of my tax for the fire company, but without them, if it had been serious, we would have been in real trouble. So thanks again, Alexandria Fire Co. Be safe.

Huntingdon — Thank you to Norfolk Southern for finishing the work at the Fourth Street railroad crossing. The road is much smoother now.

Huntingdon — Could someone tell me what is the job of the code enforcement officer? I’ve never seen so many high weeds and grass in this borough until this year. And if you go up town you can’t even walk on the sidewalk, the bushes are grown out over the street. My wife had to go out around on the street with the baby buggy to get around it. That’s on 15th Street where they fill up the street sweeper with water. You can’t even get around it. Who’s responsible for cleaning this stuff up? We need a new code enforcement officer. And the borough police, why do we need a pickup truck for a cop car?

Huntingdon Co. — Has the local social club become a childcare center now? Every time you want to go or look at what they’re having, it’s always a party for the kids. I thought it was an adult club.

Smithfield Twp. — I’ll be so happy when the midterms are over and the Republicans will be in charge, but Biden can’t do anymore harm to this country and maybe we might be able to impeach him for his treasonous acts against this country, starting off with not even following federal law on the border and work our way up through Afghanistan.

Porter Twp. — The only radicals I’ve seen pouring into Pennsylvania are the traveling hustlers from out of state, running for big dollar office. Couple of Trump’s understudies. Let’s run them off. We deserve better. Carpetbaggers, yes, Kathy. Prices will fall when we quit buying gas, try the oil greed companies for blame. Your lies are silly sounding. Like fake Newsmax disrespecting a Capitol police officer who nearly gave her life defending our Congress. “News washing” is just more lies. Time for a few true bills with Trump at the top.

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